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Tom Reeves. Content Manager. Free Radio

Get the basics right.

Ensure it’s labelled all over with name & contact info etc

Have a SoundCloud account where I can hear more & updated stuff

Make sure it’s well edited. I had a demo recently that had the same link done 5 different ways & only slightly different each time. It also had loads of bad edits and gaps in it. This didn’t inspire confidence!

Remember that a demo, by it’s very nature, should be your BEST work. Clips of you making mistakes are not impressive (Yes this has happened too; more than you’d think!)

In essence a demo should….

A. Be made specifically for the person you’re sending it to. A 4min in depth discussion on Immigration shouldn’t be on a demo sent to Free Radio for example. Oh and get their name right!

B. Stand out. Yes there are things every programmer wants to hear you do; slick, passionate, energetic links between songs with some artist / topical info. BUT how you do that and what else you add, will make you stand out. Remember there are less presenting positions than ever but more competition.

C. Make the person listening believe that you could slip seamlessly onto their schedule.

Don’t be lazy! It’s all about having the right attitude and work ethic.


The Pips radio training sessions

  • How to create radio that is unique & STANDS OUT
  • What to put in your demo to increase your chances of being noticed
  • How to break into radio

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